Is Your Surfboard Waterlogged? - Wet or Wasted? 🏊

Hey there, fellow wave rider! It's Max here, your go-to guy for all things surfing. I totally get it - you want to make sure your surfboard is in top shape before you hit the waves. So, let's dive into the world of waterlogged surfboards and how to spot the signs.

First off, what exactly does it mean for a surfboard to be waterlogged? When a surfboard absorbs water, it becomes heavier and loses its buoyancy. This can seriously affect your performance and make it harder to catch those epic waves. So, let's look out for some telltale signs of water damage.

One of the most obvious signs is weight. If your surfboard feels unusually heavy, it could be a sign that water has seeped into the core. Give it a lift and compare it to a dry board of the same make and model. If there's a noticeable difference, it's time to investigate further.

Next, take a close look at the surface of your board. Are there any visible cracks, dings, or delaminations? These can provide entry points for water to seep into the board's core. Run your fingers along the surface, feeling for any soft spots or areas that seem sponge-like. These are signs of water damage and indicate that your board may be waterlogged.

Another clue to watch out for is discoloration. If you notice any dark or discolored patches on the surface of your board, it's a sign that water has penetrated the fiberglass or epoxy layers. This can be a result of cracks or dings, so be sure to inspect your board thoroughly.

Now, let's talk about sound. Give your board a gentle tap with your knuckles. A solid, crisp sound indicates a healthy board. However, if you hear a dull, thud-like sound, it could mean water has infiltrated the core. This is a definite red flag and a sign that your board is waterlogged.

Lastly, consider the overall performance of your board. Has it become sluggish or unresponsive? Does it feel different than when you first got it? These changes in performance can be indicative of water damage. A waterlogged board may feel heavier, slower, and less maneuverable in the water.

If you suspect your board is waterlogged, it's essential to address the issue promptly. Continued use of a waterlogged board can lead to further damage and compromise its structural integrity. I recommend taking your board to a professional surfboard repair shop or a trusted shaper who can assess the extent of the damage and provide the necessary repairs.

Remember, prevention is key when it comes to surfboard maintenance. Regularly inspect your board for any signs of damage, and take the time to properly care for it. This includes rinsing it with fresh water after each surf session, avoiding prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, and storing it in a cool, dry place.

So, keep an eye out for the signs I've mentioned - weight, surface condition, discoloration, sound, and performance. By staying vigilant and taking good care of your surfboard, you'll be ready to catch those perfect waves and ride them like a pro!

Stay stoked and keep shredding!


Maxwell 'Max' Reed
surfing, gear reviews, technology, adventure sports

Maxwell 'Max' Reed is a seasoned surfer, gear expert, and adventure seeker. Growing up on the coast of Australia, Max developed a love for surfing at a young age and has since become an authority on surf equipment and technology. He enjoys testing and reviewing the latest gear to help fellow surfers make informed decisions.