Surfers Tide Ultimate Surfing Guides

Mastering the Cutback: Portugal's Signature Surf Move

Learn how to master the cutback, Portugal's signature surf move, with this step-by-step guide from Surfers Tide. Gain speed, look back, initiate the turn, complete the cutback, and resume riding.

Mastering the Cutback: Portugal's Signature Surf Move

Surfer riding a wave to gain speed
Step 1: Gain Speed
Start by catching a wave and riding it down the line to gain speed. The more speed you have, the more powerful your cutback will be.
Surfer looking back at the wave
Step 2: Look Back
Once you've gained enough speed, look back towards the breaking part of the wave. This will be your target for the cutback.
Surfer initiating a turn
Step 3: Initiate the Turn
Shift your weight to your back foot and start to turn your board back towards the breaking wave. Keep your eyes on your target and your body will follow.
Surfer completing the cutback
Step 4: Complete the Cutback
As you reach the breaking wave, shift your weight to your front foot and complete the turn. You should now be heading back towards the power source of the wave.
Surfer resuming ride after a successful cutback
Step 5: Resume Riding
Once you've completed the cutback, resume riding down the line. With practice, you'll be able to execute a cutback smoothly and effortlessly.

Mastering the cutback is an essential skill for any surfer looking to up their game. This signature move, often seen on the beautiful waves of Portugal, allows surfers to redirect their momentum back towards the power source of the wave. By following the step-by-step guide above, you'll be well on your way to executing this move with style and precision.

While the cutback may seem complex, it's all about timing and balance. As our guide suggests, the first step is to gain speed. This is crucial as it provides the momentum needed to execute a powerful cutback. But how do you gain speed effectively? Our article on conquering the biggest surfing waves offers some great tips.

Once you've gained enough speed, looking back towards the breaking part of the wave is your next move. This is where your target lies. This might seem counterintuitive, but remember, surfing is about harnessing the power of the ocean, not fighting against it. Need more advanced surfing tips and techniques? Check out our FAQ section for some expert advice.

Next, you'll need to initiate the turn. This is where the real fun begins. Shifting your weight to your back foot, you'll start to turn your board back towards the breaking wave. This might sound tricky, but with practice, you'll get the hang of it. If you're looking to progress from an intermediate to an advanced surfer, our FAQ guide can help.

Finally, you'll complete the cutback and resume riding. This is the moment where all your hard work pays off. You've successfully redirected your momentum and are now back in the power source of the wave, ready to continue your ride. With practice, you'll be able to execute the cutback smoothly and effortlessly, just like the pros.

Remember, surfing is a journey, not a destination. Every wave is an opportunity to learn, grow, and improve. So grab your board, hit the waves, and start mastering the cutback today.