Surfer's Safety: Are Tethers Essential? - Stay Connected 💡

Hey there, fellow wave rider! I'm stoked to have you here at Surfers Tide, where we dive deep into all things surfing. Today, I'm here to answer a burning question that many surfers have: Do we really need to use tethers on our surfboards? Let's dive in and find out!

Surfboard tethers, also known as leashes, are those nifty little cords that attach your board to your ankle or calf. They're designed to keep your board close to you, preventing it from getting swept away by the waves. Now, you might be wondering if they're really necessary. Well, let me tell you, my friend, they absolutely are!

First and foremost, surfboard tethers are a crucial safety tool. Imagine you wipe out on a big wave and your board gets carried away by the current. Without a leash, you'd have to swim after it, potentially putting yourself in danger. With a leash, your board stays within reach, allowing you to focus on getting back to the surface and catching your breath.

Not only do tethers keep you safe, but they also protect other surfers in the lineup. Picture this: you're catching an epic wave, and suddenly your board slips out of your hands. Without a leash, that board becomes a dangerous projectile, potentially injuring other surfers. By using a tether, you're being considerate and helping to maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone in the water.

Now, let's talk about the different types of tethers available. There are various lengths and thicknesses to choose from, depending on your surfing style and the conditions you'll be riding in. For beginners, I recommend using a longer leash, around 7-9 feet, as it gives you more freedom to move around and learn the ropes. As you progress, you can opt for a shorter leash, around 6 feet, which provides better control and maneuverability.

When it comes to attaching the leash, make sure it's securely fastened to your ankle or calf. You want it snug, but not too tight, allowing for easy movement without the risk of it slipping off. Remember, the leash should always be attached to your back foot, as this helps maintain balance and control while riding the waves.

Now, I know what you might be thinking: "But Dylan, what about those times when I want to ride without a leash?" I get it, there are moments when you want that unencumbered feeling of freedom. However, it's important to assess the conditions and your skill level before going leashless. If you're in a crowded lineup or dealing with powerful waves, it's best to keep that tether on for safety's sake.

In conclusion, my fellow surfers, using a surfboard tether is not only a smart move for your own safety, but it's also a responsible choice that benefits the entire surfing community. So, before you paddle out, make sure to attach that leash securely and enjoy the ride knowing that your board will be right there with you, ready to catch the perfect wave.

Keep shredding and stay stoked!

Ride the waves, Dylan Wave

Walker Armstrong
surfboard design, engineering, adventure travel, videography

Walker Armstrong is a seasoned surfboard craftsman and designer, holding a deep-seated background in the field of engineering. His enthusiasm and dedication lie in crafting bespoke, environmentally-friendly surfboards that are tailored to the specific requirements of each surfer. In his leisure time, Walker is an adventurer at heart, often found exploring uncharted surf locations and chronicling his thrilling escapades.